What Brand Do We Recommend? It’s the Results that Matter.

A question that we get a lot is, “what brand do you recommend?” This is most always a loaded question because the prospect has had a good experience with one brand and has had or knows someone that has had a bad experience with another. While we may prefer one manufacturer over the next, to be quite honest, it doesn’t matter. The best brand is the one that your IT provider is most knowledgeable about and gives you predictable results.

What do I mean by predictable results?Look, you can spend a ton of money on what you believe to be the best product. If you believe it to be of great quality and it constantly goes down, that is not the result you were expecting and you would be upset. One the flip side, if you purchase the low cost option and have multiple issues, you may be completely fine with that result. You saved money and got what you paid for.

We do prefer some brands over others. We have built relationships with our vendors that affords us the opportunity to provide properly planned systems, superior support, and a predictable result. In the end, that is what most business owners want. When a system is purchased you want to know how long it will last, what happens when an issue arises and, most of all, what it will do to make your business more profitable.

What brand do we recommend? It doesn’t matter. What matters is the result. When your IT vendor focuses on the most important result, making your business productive, the name on the tool that you use isn’t important. The fact that it is working at the expected performance level, for the expected length of time with an expected amount of issues is the important part.

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