Five Scary IT Disasters

Five Scary IT Disasters

by | Oct 22, 2016 | BDR, IT Service | 1 comment

A lot of scary risks are lurking around your IT infrastructure. Here are our top five scary IT disasters that you need to address and avoid.

1. Data Corruption

Data corruption occurs for a lot of reasons. Power failure, hardware failure, or software issues can all cause data corruption. Whatever the reason, imagine your most precious data gone for no apparent reason. Even if you know the cause, it doesn’t matter. What matters is whether or not you can recover the information that is important to you.

A comprehensive backup and recovery plan is the only full proof method to ensure your data remains safe. Have a plan and audit it. Then test your backup technology on a regular basis. Don’t let your data vanish without a trace.

2. Mechanical Failure

Everything in your business is steaming along, and then bang, it all stops. A server shuts down or a critical workstation no longer powers on. Mechanical failures happen all of the time. Computers wear out and suffer defects the same as any other machine. Planning for failure is crucial in order to get back up in running in a minimal amount of time.

3. Viruses and Malware

From keyloggers to encryption viruses, viruses can cause any number of nightmare situations. They steal your personal information, destroy your valuable data, and create numerous productivity issues. Prevent virus infection by having a multi-layered security approach and a proper backup and disaster recovery plan.

4. Hacking

Hackers troll the internet for financial and personal gain. If you are on the internet, you are at risk. They may not target you or your company specifically but proper security measures should be taken to ensure that your data is safe. One simple method is to not use the same login information across accounts. If one account is hacked and your login information is stolen, the hacker gains access to every account that uses the same login credentials.

5. Disasters

Fire, flood, and theft are all common disaster scenarios that cannot be completely prevented but can be planned for. Anticipating potential disaster situations and having a proper plan in place can minimize your company’s risk of a momentary disaster turning into a death blow.

Plan For the Worst

Nobody likes to think about a worst case scenario. However unlikely, whenever disaster strikes, a company prepared for the worst can quickly get back on track with minimal negative business impact.



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