A Split Second Decision Can Destroy Your Data

A Split Second Decision Can Destroy Your Data

by | Jun 21, 2016 | BDR, IT Service, Security | 1 comment

Think About That Link

A split second decision could destroy all your company’s data.

It just happened to a client of ours. They lost just about everything on their network. Every document, spreadsheet, everything gone. Encrypted, with no way to access the information. What would that do to your business? I’ll tell you more in a minute.

A Split Second Decision Can Destroy Everything

We have talked about ransomware in the past. You can find detailed posts on our blog page. The bottom line is that there is no magic bullet. There is no such thing as 100% protection.

Most commonly, a user on your network receives an email that looks legitimate. They click on a link or open an attachment. That split second mistake can destroy your data.

Stop and Think

Educate your employees. If they receive an email with an attachment or link that they are not expecting, do not click it.

If they receive an email with something unexpected from someone they know, reply to it asking if it is real. I’ve done it a few times in the past few months. It’s worth the extra effort.

Prepare for the Worst

Have a backup and recovery plan. That client that I mentioned… over 100GB of data was recovered from their backup device in under forty five minutes.

Think about that. Losing every bit of company data would have been fatal for most businesses. It at least could have been incredibly costly with days of downtime and mixed results. We had them fully restored within an hour of losing everything.

How do we do it? We plan. We practice. We use the best tools at our disposal and learn them inside and out.

We have a process. We may not know everything but we know our process. That’s how we deliver the results that we do.

Practice your recovery process. Know the steps and time required to get back up and running from a disaster. Challenge your IT provider on their process to ensure that, when it happens, everything works the way it should.


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