Should You Move From Windows XP?

Should You Move From Windows XP?

by | Apr 28, 2014 | Security | 1 comment

Should I upgrade from Windows XP?  It is a question that I have been hearing often in the past few months.  It is a question that business and individuals have to ask themselves while balancing the potential cost of upgrading.  I have written about the cost to businesses running old PC’s recently but let’s look at the security issue specifically here.  Should you still run Windows XP?  The short answer is “no” but it’s never that simple, is it?

Some companies run legacy programs with old hardware that simply will not work properly on new versions of Windows.  If this is the case, a business must balance the cost of updating their software and/or equipment with the risk of leaving open a significant hole in their company’s network.

That hole has been widened today with the discovery of a flaw in Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11.  This issue affects all operating systems running these versions of IE.  The key difference being that anyone running Windows versions newer than XP will be updated soon.  Those running Windows XP, most likely, will not.

This latest find only reinforces our position that those who can move should, ASAP.  If you cannot upgrade for some reason, you should develop a strategy with your IT service provider to minimize your exposure to the risks that may hinder your business’s operations or expose sensitive data to malicious individuals.

Having an antivirus program is not enough.  Security is a process that requires multiple layers of protection and standards to protect your business.  You should talk with your vendor to ensure that you are properly protected and that your company’s security risks are adequately addressed.

A quick tip, if you are using Windows XP, use an alternate browser like Chrome to address this specific problem.  It is harder to exploit a flaw in Internet Explorer if you minimize the times that you use it.


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