Snap Forward

Our IT Support Methods

Introducing Snap CTO


IT Support You Will Wish You Found Sooner

We believe that the best outsourced IT support should be more than simply picking up the phone when a client has a problem. We know that, utilizing our managed services IT support model, we can significantly reduce a client’s number of issues. The less frequently a client has to call our helpdesk, the more time can spend working on their business. We also have more time to plan and collaborate with our clients to ensure we continue to reduce problems and grow their technology into a valuable asset to their business.

Giving Owners Time to Accomplish More

Successful business owners know that time is their most scarce asset.  If you can multiply time, you can make more money, increase customer satisfaction, improve employee productivity and morale, and spend more time doing what you enjoy.

Snap Forward provides companies with more time by reducing computer problems and avoiding downtime. Our IT support process does more by focusing on reducing IT problems through:

  • Repeatable Process
  • Standardization
  • Best Practices
  • Collaboration and Planning

More Than IT Support

We used to be like every other outsourced IT support company in Pittsburgh.  We took every job that came our way.  We improperly managed customer expectations.  We worked really hard and did our best for our clients.  For the most part, our customers were happy but, we knew that we could do better.

SNAP Forward is not simply in the business of providing outsourced help desk or the best IT support in Pittsburgh. We are determined to use the Snap Forward approach to make our clients more profitable by increasing productivity, reducing the risk of outages, and creating an overall more efficient working environment.  Find out how.

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