Technology or Process: At What Cost to Your Business?

Over on my blog, I wrote about how process breakdowns impacted the recent Ebola cases in the US and how when proper process is followed, risks and overall costs go down.  Technology can be used as a tool but cannot be utilized as the sole solution in any scenario.  Process, best practices and standardization must be implemented along with technology to get the most effective, positive results.

This concept rings true with us at Pittsburgh Technology Management.  Almost daily, businesses are faced with issues including security risks, mechanical failure, user error and malicious behavior. Seemingly almost as frequent, a new technology arrives that promises to solve all a company’s worries with little or no downside.  In virtually all cases, that product or service will need much more management than anticipated to implement and maintain.  It is our process that ensures that we and our clients get the most out of their investment.  As a trusted managed services provider, we must constantly balance where to invest time and money to achieve optimal results.

PC Setup

A simple process that requires almost no technology but can have varying results.  A common complaint that we hear from prospects is that every time a new PC is installed for a user, it takes days to get up to speed and frequently requires multiple calls to the help desk or IT support company.  One of the first processes that we implemented was a PC setup procedure for every client that we have.  Our technicians know to review and follow this process for every new PC installation.  When followed step-by-step, we can properly estimate the time it will take, significantly reduce end user calls and, ultimately, get our clients’ employees back to work.


Over the years we have seen almost every anti-virus product, no matter the cost, beaten by a new and cunning piece of malicious software.  As we refined our process toward security, we found a way to stop businesses from falling victim to threats.  We developed a multi-layered approach to security that all but eliminated viruses from our clients’ list of concerns.  It took time, effort and some investment by us and our clients but it works.  The end result of following our process is a workday uninterrupted by virus issues and much lower downtime risk.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

With BDR solutions, we find that older and low cost solutions are virtually impossible to properly audit and test.  However, newer technology is much more expensive.  Backup and recovery software is a big ticket item that always comes with lofty promises.  No product is perfect but it is easier to build process around some more than others.

We currently use a fairly expensive BDR product but have found that to ensure minimal risk of data loss and low recovery times, it was an expense that justified the result.  We had to build a rigorous schedule around this technology to ensure that we saw that optimal results.  It can be monotonous for a technician to follow this process but the alternative is much worse.  The end result is secure data, properly estimated recovery times and fewer unknown issues when the worst happens.

Alternatively, looking at Windows Server’s built-in backup or (shutter) tape backup, little process can be built around such a platform.  We can set it up using best practices, review logs and do test restores of files but if we, or any IT company, are ever in a disaster situation, doing a full server recovery is most likely the first time it will have ever been done.  It is just too time consuming and cost prohibitive to test.  We never want to find out that a total system recovery cannot be done at the time of a crisis.

The Decision

No one software program or hardware device can completely remove risk of lost productivity, downtime, data loss or theft.  What we find is that there is some common ground where tools and process maximize dollars spent and allow for a minimal, acceptable risk.  Properly discussing the potential remaining risk and setting proper expectations ensures that all parties are properly prepared no matter the situation.

In recent weeks, we have seen that the mandatory twenty-one day quarantine is too high a cost for the system to bear for the arguable limited benefit in stopping the spread of Ebola.  The same can be said for technology.  An extreme, and usually costly, approach will most likely never completely remove risk and only lead to a false sense of security.

Implementing process in all areas of technology management ensures that we utilize the technology that we find best fits our budget and business needs.  In some areas like PC installations, we find more value in standardization to ensure the best results.  With BDR, we find that a blend of best practices, good technology and accurate expectations can ensure an acceptable result to us and our clients.  While it takes time and money to invest in developing process to properly support our clients’ networks, the results prove a worthy investment over time.  It is part of our overall process that we implement in our effort to become the best IT company in Pittsburgh.